Michelle M. Mace

Michelle is the Principal of M3B Inc., a boutique national consultancy. As a social scientist using big data, she is an expert in Location Analytics. Michelle has deep insight about the American consumer to drive creative placemaking within the demand curve. M3B’s clients are focused in Real Estate, Hospitality, Entertainment and Healthcare.
Michelle is a professionally trained and gifted facilitator, she brilliantly engages consumers, developers, planners, architects, engineers, finance and construction professionals to vision and manifest great places. For over 25 years, she has been developing algorithms that amalgamate housing, demographic and psychographic data on 129 million households in the US.
She has made notable contributions in the evolution of housing and is an innovator of a variety of housing platforms. She understands the diversity of housing needs in the U.S. and the importance of inter-generational connections in design and programming.
Michelle enjoys being in nature, cycling, dance, running, the arts, and spending time with her dog and her young adult kids.
The kind of nickname you get when your Dad is a High School English Teacher!

The "B" actually stands for BREAKTHROUGH! We have been facilitating clients to have them for 20+ years. If you require a strategic pivot or desire some data driven confidence to double down on decisions we'll identify the breakthrough. We have a passion for doing the hard work that distills deep insight and crystallizes a strategic direction! Call us now, set your organization beautifully FREE to prosper with clarity and serve audiences that value you. (480) 460-8100
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Our Team
Nicholas Basha
Nicholas is a Bookkeeper and former Data Analyst at M3B Inc. and has been increasingly engaged in various aspects of the business since 2015. Nicholas has become an expert on the innerworkings of the PRIZM 68 Segmentation System and contributes regularly to the excellence of M3B’s algorithms and methodologies. As a data analyst, Nicholas played an active role in planning and executing desktop analysis, survey analysis, and segmentation study projects. Nicholas graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, with degrees in Management Information Systems and Government and a minor in the Business and Analytics of Sports. Outside of work, Nicholas loves running, playing tennis, engaging in politics, cooking and analyzing sports (Follow him on Instagram @ armchairanalytics).

Joshua Moore
Analytics Intern
Joshua is an Analytics Intern at M3B Inc.. As a senior at University of Texas at Austin, Josh has studied and developed a deep understanding of statistics and math, that have allowed him to readily support the delivery of M3B algorithms and methodologies to client projects. While he is a Math major, he is also minoring in business and enjoying the experiences at M3B as a new realm to apply his skills and expand his qualitative analytics skillset. Joshua specializes in statistical modeling and is driven to find answers through quantitative reasoning which is highly valued in our business as social scientists. Josh is an undergraduate research assistant at the RACE lab at UT Austin. In his spare time, he loves to run, hike, play tennis and the piano.